November 9, 2023

8 Things You Need for a Baby From Day One

8 Things You Need for a Baby From Day One

Welcoming a new life into your family is one of the most beautiful experiences to have. And we understand that preparing for a newborn baby can be both exciting and overwhelming. You may feel confused and clueless while thinking about the things you need for a baby from day one. Heaps of advice about the 'must-haves' don't help, either.

We're here to help make the process a little easier for you. We have put together this guide on the 8 things you need for a baby from day one.

Continue reading to know more.

Things You Need for a Baby - A Checklist:

As you prepare your home for a newborn, you must constantly be thinking, "What do I need to buy my first baby?" To answer that question, here is a list of all the things you need for a baby.

1. Baby Feeding Essentials

You will be feeding your baby multiple times a day. Here are some feeding things you need for a baby:

  • Nursing Bras

Nursing bras are essential to accommodate your changed breasts and give your baby access to feeding at all times.

  • Bibs

Bibs come in handy to catch all the drool during feeding. They help keep your baby's clothes dry and fresh.

  • Feeding Bottles

Newborns usually start with smaller bottles almost 8-12 times a day. But as your baby grows, you will need bigger bottles. Remember to buy an adequate number of nipples for feeding.

2. Baby Bath Essentials

It is recommended that infants must be bathed only every few days for not more than 5-10 minutes. While some babies love the feeling of warm water, others don't enjoy it much. Here are some baby bathing essentials that will make this time more fun for them:

  • Soap and Shampoo

Make sure you look for gentler no-tear formulas. Read the fine print and avoid products that contain phthalates, fragrances, and chemicals. 

  • Bathtub

One of the most important baby bath essentials, a good quality baby bathtub helps your baby stay stable and safe during their bath. It can be put anywhere in the house to make their bath time convenient.

  • Bath Towels

Opt for soft baby towels to wrap your baby after their bath. Make sure that they are absorbent enough to keep your baby dry.

3. Baby Sleep Essentials

Most parents worry about their child's safety while sleeping. To ensure that your baby sleeps peacefully and you are stress-free, here are some things that we recommend:

  • Crib

A crib is an important baby nursery essential. For the first six months, the baby is the safest while sleeping in your room in a cot of their own. You can start with a bassinet, but ultimately when the baby grows, you will need to buy a good-quality crib.

  • Wearable Blankets

These wearable blankets are the perfect alternative to traditional blankets. They act like snug sleeping bags and keep your baby cosy at night. 

4. Baby Health Essentials

Babies are vulnerable to infections in the first few months of their lives. These baby health essentials will ensure that you keep them healthy and free of common colds and flu:

  • Humidifier

One of the most important baby health essentials, a humidifier helps your baby breathe easily. It also keeps their skin hydrated and healthy and prevents rashes. Just ensure that you clean your humidifier regularly to prevent mould. 

  • First-aid Kit

A first-aid kit comes in handy if your baby gets sick. Make sure that the kit contains a baby thermometer, bandages, nail clippers, a hairbrush, and antiseptic ointment at all times.

5. Baby Wardrobe Essentials

While buying clothes for your newborn is a great idea, you should remember that babies go up in size very fast. So, when you shop, always keep a few extras in larger sizes. Here are some baby wardrobe essentials that you must have:

  • Scratch Mittens

One of the best baby wardrobe essentials, these mittens prevent your baby from scratching their body, particularly their eyes and nose. Look for scratch mittens in a slightly larger size so that there is enough room for the baby to open and close their hands.

  • Bodysuits

This is an absolute baby wardrobe essential that is also perfect for layering. Depending on the comfort of your baby, you can pick up bodysuits in different neckline and sleeve options.

  • Daywear

This is a baby wardrobe essential for the time when you start taking your baby out of the home. And while you want your baby to look cute, remember that comfort is key. Opt for daywear in a slightly larger size so you can easily layer up. And for extra convenience, look for outfits with attached socks or booties to keep those little toes safe and cosy.

6. Baby Diapering Essentials

Here are some things that you need to buy to make diapering easy for your child.

  • Diapers

Your baby may go through 10-12 diapers every day. Whether you opt for cloth or disposable, make sure to have plenty of them on hand.

  • Rash cream

Rash creams are a great way to prevent diaper rashes. Make sure to choose a cream that is free from harmful chemicals.

7. Baby Travel Essentials

These baby essentials will come in handy when you take your baby out for an outing. 

  • Car Seat

A car seat is an important item for taking your baby out in the car. You can choose between a simple or convertible car seat, but it's best to avoid buying a used one to ensure your baby's safety.

  • Stroller

Taking your baby out for a stroll is a delightful experience, and a reliable stroller makes it even better. Opt for a lightweight, foldable stroller that meets all safety guidelines, ensuring your baby's comfort and security.

8. Baby Toy Essentials

Babies get bored easily. And this often leads to them becoming cranky. Here is a list of things you need for a new baby to keep them occupied:

  • Playmats

Soft mats with hanging toys can help delight your little one who has yet to crawl or walk. They provide entertainment while also encouraging your baby's physical and cognitive growth and helping your baby reach developmental milestones.

  • Pacifier

Pacifiers can comfort babies and help them drift off to sleep peacefully, making them a popular choice among parents to soothe their little ones during nap time.

Tips to Buy the Best for Your Baby

Now that you know the list of things you need for a new baby, there are chances that you may be feeling overwhelmed with the hundreds of options of baby essentials available in the market.

Here are some tips that will help you buy only the safest and best-quality things and keep your baby safe and healthy:

  • While buying shampoos, creams, ointments, and soaps, read the fine print on the packaging. Always look for products specifically made for babies that are free of harsh chemicals like alkalis, soap, fragrances, dyes, phthalates, parabens, etc. 
  • Know that just because a product has '100% natural' printed on it, it doesn't automatically become safe for your baby. Look for ingredients like vitamins, glycerine, aloe, etc., which are gentle and effective on your baby's skin.
  • Investing in a good-quality product ensures that your child is safe at all times. Also, remember never to go overboard while getting the things you need for a baby. Babies grow quickly, and buying too many things can lead to overspending and impact your budget.

We also recommend consulting your paediatrician before buying baby essentials. They know your baby's needs best and will help you buy quality stuff.


Choosing the right things you will need for a baby may seem challenging at first, but with proper guidance, you can easily know which products to buy and which to avoid. While this list helps you pick the essentials in caring for your baby from day one, Raising Superstars offers prodigy programmes that help boost your baby’s growth and development. Our screen-free programmes help you encourage your child to take the first steps towards early learning. Remember, the years between birth and five years are crucial in honing the talents and skills of your child that last a lifetime. To know more, click here.

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