Real parents, just like you, from around the world!
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge to babies! We enjoy your program so much and would love to learn more about the full program. My baby loves most of the activities especially booster cards time! I have noticed she has been processing the info for sure! It's hard to capture those moments, because she always gets distracted with phone. However, the most important thing is that I can feel she got it Please email me the info for the full prodigy program. Thank you very much. Best to you all.
My three reasons why I've chosen this particular program is because any of the other parenting classes that I attend or take are not in the time frame of before my child is born or was born so I wanted to try another method as well and improve my already excellent parenting skills as well as enhance my child before they arrive and see what the difference between or if there's an improvement at all between all my children and I hope that this program will change the way my baby grows up and makes decisions and choices
I absolutely loved this!!! Surprisingly my sister does this already when she hold my son, she talks to him about momma (me) then goes silent waiting for his response, gets excited about anything he does back and talks to him more about it. I feel like Alexander is already a big talker, mostly grunts, coos, but also like me he talks with his hands a lot. I can usually tell when he is getting frustrated when someone else is not listening when he talks. For example dad will be holding him, Alexander will be grunting and when dad doesn't listen he gets more fussy and restless. I look forward to more talks with him soon!
Hello, my name is Natasha and I am the mother of Alexander. We are so excited to start this program early with Alexander who is 6 weeks old. Before I had Alexander I was saying all the time babies have unlimited potential until we as parents and the world limit them. I am so glad to have finally a program that agrees and can help me untap his unlimited potential! Looking forward to daily engagement with Alexander!
I have noticed that my baby started verbal more since participating in the program. Talk, to listen method is really fun and working. I feel like talking to a baby who has little body, but her brain is full of surprises for us! It is a wonderful and valuable feeling as parents. Baby does love booster cards! Whenever I told her that we're going to see booster cards, she smiles and is eager about it. After finishing, she always grabs those cards to look at them. Thank you so much for a marvellous program and sharing your knowledge. God bless you all.
Hi Raghav and Shraddha ... Thank you Raising Superstars Prodigy team. We are grateful for this awesome learning opportunity for our twins (14 months old). We have successfully completed 21 days challenge and looking forward to attend the advanced program.
My daughter was trying to bend her knees to jump. Actually I wasn't able to shoot when she was doing it for a long period of time. Today I am really very happy. I was confident of the program .It has really strengthened my believe in the program. Thank you so so much to the entire team of Raising Superstar Team. I was really very upset for not posting any videos but today I'm happy that I could do so. Thank you.—with Raising Superstars.
Hey Raghav and Shraddha, ... A big big thank you to you guys for providing this amazing framework,this has transformed our lives!!! My baby just loves the booster cards which is everyone's favorite⚫ He also makes animals sounds now thanks to auditory magic. We have enjoyed all the daily challenges.It have given me an opportunity to spend some quality time with my baby.I am definitely seeing the impact of this framework on my baby and I am loving it!!!! Keep doing the great work guys!! Cheers!!! Definitely definitely looking forward for the advanced course, please send me the details
Hi Raghav and Shraddha thank you so much for making our life easier, me n my son really enjoyed all the activities. Earlier I was sceptical to join this challenge coz 5 days whatsapp program was repetitive for me.. but I'm so happy that I joined this 21 days prodigy challenge. I was anyways doing few activities but you guys gave us 5 minutes activities plan, 3 superstar rules .. and a structured approach. Small activities makes lot of difference that we can see now .. my lil one was singing twinkle twinkle with his hand gestures n started repeating words after me ...thanks for all the efforts and the hard work we all are benefiting ...God bless you two.. looking forward for advance course....
I have completed my 21 day prodigy challenge program today, want to go for advanced program. The 21 days prodigy challenge program was very good and it was beneficial too. I'm mom of 16 months old baby, I have done almost all activities with my baby, he really enjoyed it especially day 1 program visual solfage and boosters cards. I really want to thank Raghav Himatsingka and shradha for this awesome program. I'm very happy while doing all the activities with my baby.Further I wanna join advanced program, please let me know to the procedure for it. Thank you
Absolutely amazed at how this program can change your outlook towards interacting with your baby and make it so much more meaningful and productive! My baby just turned 3 months... And day 3 of booster cards (set 1 and 2) he gives the most awesome expressions and squeals in excitement with his legs kicking! Never thought something like this could stimulate a baby as young as 3 months. He has started enjoying tummy time after we started doing mob4s...I can literally see him jumping and grunting in an effort to move towards the toy and then there is an occasional squeal. While I know he will progress when he is ready ... But I now resonate with Raghav and Shraddha's about giving opportunities to our babies and we will be surprised at their potential!! Thank you guys! Kudos to both of you!
REYANSH has learned a lot in the second week he enjoyed doing painting and after listening to the body parts song he surprised me by telling eyes, nose and head. Before he used to communicate less now he is trying to communicate more. Thank you Raising Superstars.
Hi Raghav Himatsingka and Shraddha Himatsingka, I have completed the 21 Prodigy baby program. A big thank you to both as I can see lots of difference in my baby. She has started singing, talking more and her respond to things has also changed. I am willing to continue for the advance course. I have already dropped mail to support team but didn't got any respond. Please guide further.
Hello everyone, Firstly I want to confess something...I was the one who posted that my daughter is not paying full attention on booster cards...but today when she was playing with her book she put the finger on apple and was looking at me like she was saying I know what it is Mumma Then out of curiosity I just asked her and she correctly pointed three fruits out of five... sorry for breaking rule I know testing is not allowed but couldn't control myself Second one she has improved her walking after practicing mob 2 exercises for 2-3 from one two steps to little more steps... luckily I managed to get video today so posting here. Thank you Raising superstars
Viaansh enjoying bubble play Felt like he was appreciating or encouraging us by clapping to do more as we do to him I just want to thank the raising superstars team to remind us that we can do all such things with the baby which helps us understand our babies more with stronger bonding
Dear Raghav and Shradha ... Your 21 day program is a wonderful experience for me and my baby. My baby enjoys each and every activity that you guys share. I am posting Advanced Mobility exercise with you guys. Plz suggest me if I am doing anything wrong. And thank you for giving us such a great platform to learn and making our kids learn so much with your interesting activities. Looking forward to enjoy more and more in coming days.
My little one dragged me to the hall today "Mama come". She pointed at the TV (our Screensaver was on with a pic of a bird) "Birdie" she said. I was very happy n was about to congratulate her, when she shyly smiled n added "Cuckoo". It's on one of the flashcards I've been showing her. I had to pull them out n verify( I don't know them I'm ashamed to say since I only read the backs lol).
This is a Thank you message to the team Raising Superstars! ... Not putting up the video of my 14 months old stating all the booster cards correctly, being good at recall memory as well! My baby is swift footed and doesn't sit at one place at all! But he understands words Booster Cards and Recall memory so well that when we tell him let's do recall memory, he has a particular place where he will sit down and let me bring the cards and waits patiently till I show him. He tries to talk so much, he is trying each day. This is absolutely helping him. I think we are still catching up on other things, Athletism & creativity vault is the favourite thing of my baby and he is happy all the tym doing that!! We are surprised and grateful to the founders and team of Raising Superstars!
One of the best Moments of our journey with Raising Superstar.....such an absolutely satisfying feeling it is to see ur seed reaping fruits..❤❤. Can't thank u enough Raghav and Shraddha for enabling us to experience this magical journey...u guys are doing a fantabulous job of helping parents to nurture brilliance....kudos and a big salute...#Gratitude #Respect
Hi Raghav and Shraddha, Thank you so much guys for considering and working on this project with so much dedication and making it look like a cake walk for us. I thought I had prepared myself through books and blogs when I was expecting, and implemented a lot of things on my baby(he is 21months old now), but watching your videos I realised that mostly I was following them without a proper understanding of the why's and how's. The maximum benefit I gained was to scientifically understand the reason and importance of doing something with my child and that has instilled a different confidence and excitement in parenting. Already looking forward to your other programs. All the best guys and thanks again! PS: My baby loves doing all the activities given by you, and his favourite is listening to the sounds of nature especially volcanic eruption! Boom! Boom!
Here's one heartfelt gratitude post to Raghav and Shraddha! Arvind and I are so grateful to you both for inventing this concept and bringing it out to new parents. We have both seen some amazing developments in our daughter, but due to lockdown, we didn't see any other child so we couldn't figure whether our daughter is ahead of her age or all kids are the same. and this post isn't also about how our daughter is doing so great! This post is about how you guys have invested your heart and soul into ensuring all kids grow up to be geniuses not just developmentally but also morally. Last weekend, we had done a short trip with a few friends. When I was told how I'm doing a great job with my daughter, I couldn't help but feel over the moon. This would not have been entirely possible had it not been for this course. A thank you would not do justice to what Arvind and I have to say to you guys... Grateful to you both, for eternity! I am at a loss of words... We would love to meet you guys in person and express our gratitude if you are ok. Thank you!
Thank you raghav and shraddha... I am sharing these two videos of my LO. He is just 6 months old and he is trying to stand up by his own. He had pulled the coffee table from hall to the wall. This program is working great for us. again thank you so much
Hi All, I am following each and every activity provided by the "Raising superstar" team. Since my kid is just 4 months old 1am happy to see that he concentrates on the activities I try to do with him. He also responds in his own way and I am definitely sure he is liking it. Following the idea of keeping the activities small and entertaining.
Thank You is just not enough to say for the experience you guys have shared as part of Raising Superstar Prodigy Framework... As a new confused mom I always strive to do best for my baby and wanted her not to be like me who is pretty average person in all fields... I always kept searching over internet to get something which is a complete package and finally hit you guys and that changed my parenting journey. I am delighted with various techniques shared in form of activities which we can do on a daily basis from household stuffs... The Booster cards is a winner for me as my 3.5M old enjoys the most. Thank you for helping transform the lives of little ones and I enabling us to unwind thr talents... Look forward to be part of journey ahead o THANK YOU